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Ben Voigt's user avatar
Ben Voigt
  • Member for 13 years, 10 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
  • Houston, TX
58 votes

Why are there so many string classes in the face of std::string?

45 votes

Pass ID or Object?

40 votes

std::shared_ptr as a last resort?

26 votes

How does GDB pause an execution

23 votes

Should I intentionally break the build when a bug is found in production?

15 votes

If I use locks, can my algorithm still be lock-free?

11 votes

Origin of wParam and lParam

10 votes

Function inadvertently invalidates reference parameter - what went wrong?

10 votes

Additional line in block vs additional parameter in Clean Code

9 votes

Should this code be rewritten or refactored?

7 votes

Is it poor form to use C features such as the size_t type instead of their c++ counterparts, such as std::size_t?

7 votes

Would redrawing controls in c# give more performance?

5 votes

Why do languages such as C and C++ not have garbage collection, while Java does?

4 votes

Is there such a thing as a "when" statement?

3 votes

How does the LLVM compiler treat arithmetic operations in parentheses?

3 votes

How to refer to ByRef and ByVal in a dropdown label?

3 votes

Workflow for obfuscated PHP code with PHP protect

2 votes

How are generics implemented?

2 votes

Is throwing an exception an anti-pattern here?

2 votes

How did you become a const correctness convert?

2 votes

Can anyone suggest a project for me write to help me understand threading

-1 votes

New Team Lead - How to deal with a resentful former peer

-2 votes

Why do so many languages restrict string literals to a single source line?