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chux - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
chux - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
chux - Reinstate Monica's user avatar
chux - Reinstate Monica
  • Member for 11 years, 2 months
  • Last seen this week
  • USA
7 votes

Why use trailing newlines instead of leading with printf?

5 votes

Why would you ever use `malloc(0)`?

4 votes

In C, why is NULL and 0 triggering an if statement

3 votes

Is readability a valid reason to not use const in (reference) parameters?

2 votes

Why do we have to include multiple header files for a single library (the C standard library)?

2 votes

How should I provide generic typing and allocation for a collection library in C?

2 votes

Best way to model UTC time and deltas in embedded C

2 votes

What is the most efficient way to continue developing a piece of software in the long-term?

2 votes

Why are people coding "C-style C++"?

1 vote

Since `strcpy`, `strcat`, and `sprintf` are dangerous, what shall we use in stead of them?

1 vote

Initialize minimum value to INT_MAX or to first scanf call

1 vote

Symbolic constants versus variables

1 vote

sizeof(a)/sizeof(a[0]) vs sizeof(a)/sizeof(t) where t is type in C from K.N.King

1 vote

compression algorithm for non-repeating integers

0 votes

When to optimize for memory vs performance speed for a method?

0 votes

Can unsigned and signed (two's complement) multiplication be performed on the same hardware?

0 votes

Avoiding hard-coded format strings

0 votes

Does it make sense to have a separate init function?

0 votes

When is an object passed to a function?

0 votes

Malloc vs variable length array?

0 votes

Why is there a limit on data types

0 votes

How do deal with angle wraparounds when comparing them?

0 votes

Functions returning strings, good style?

0 votes

What could be the advantages and disadvantages of decay of Nd arrays to N-level pointers?

0 votes

How to handle precision problems with the correct terminology