Hmm, I need to comma-separate and output this list of strings, let me write function containing a for loop that takes a separator argument, and keep appending them together...or I could just use this existing 'join' command.
I need sort to these complex objects based on a couple of attributes that each object has, let me remind myself how to write a sort function that does that, oh no wait, I can just use the existing standard sort function that this language supports. I'll have to learn how to write a custom comparator but it shouldn't be too hard, it's obviously better than maintaining my own sort function.
I'm a bit scared by the idea of virtual methods, but it should help me reduce these lists, each one for a different type of item, down to a single list. Then I don't have to write half a dozen similar statements processing each list in a different way. Guess I ought to study hard and learn those things because my code will be a lot simpler and cleaner if I do that.
I need to extract from this text file these pairs of words and values amongst all this other noise, let me write a fifty-line parser to read the characters one by one and if one of the characters look like the start of what I'm looking for I'll set this state variable and start parsing it differently and so on etc... of course my case is obviously so special no-one else has come across an issue like this before and invented a generic solution that takes one line of code to do it. That reminds me I ought to take those programming books I never read to the second-hand book store.