As I find that UpperCase are really readable for first letter word separation in long complex names, I tend to give some of my linuxLinux files names with some UpperCase. Mostly executables, some directories too.
But it's been a few weeks I have remarked that the huge majority off all file names in my linux distrib are lowercase...
So I made some googling a moment ago, and I found this article: this pageLinux File Names, that states one should always use lowercase in the unix world.,
...It's best to always use lowercase in Linux unless you can think of a good reason to use uppercase or mixed case. Most Unix people use lowercase almost exclusively, but aside from this "cultural" point, there's another good reason to use lowercase. If you're sharing or accessing a DOS file system with Linux, DOS will not be able to see the files that have uppercase or mixed-case file names...
Is that really the case ???