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Is obtrusive javascriptJavaScript required to support a feature of angular.jsAngularJS?

I'll start by saying I'm just learning about Angular.jsAngularJS, and I was reading this article, which seems to advocate for obtrusive javascriptJavaScript as the right thing:

My understanding is that unobtrusive javascriptJavaScript is generally considered "the right thing" (which is perhaps debatable, but outside the scope of my question). But I was wondering if there is a particular feature of angular.jsAngularJS that requires event bindings be specified via attributes like ng-click? Is there a way to use angular.jsAngularJS and NOT use inline event bindings?

For reference: Obtrusive javascriptJavaScript generally refers to having your javascriptJavaScript ties in the HTML itself. Unobtrusive javascriptJavaScript refers to using javascriptJavaScript or other means to programmatically apply code behavioursbehaviors to the DOM rather than the plain-text markup having references to javascriptJavaScript.

Is obtrusive javascript required to support a feature of angular.js?

I'll start by saying I'm just learning about Angular.js, and I was reading this article, which seems to advocate for obtrusive javascript as the right thing:

My understanding is that unobtrusive javascript is generally considered "the right thing" (which is perhaps debatable, but outside the scope of my question). But I was wondering if there is a particular feature of angular.js that requires event bindings be specified via attributes like ng-click? Is there a way to use angular.js and NOT use inline event bindings?

For reference: Obtrusive javascript generally refers to having your javascript ties in the HTML itself. Unobtrusive javascript refers to using javascript or other means to programmatically apply code behaviours to the DOM rather than the plain-text markup having references to javascript.

Is obtrusive JavaScript required to support a feature of AngularJS?

I'll start by saying I'm just learning about AngularJS, and I was reading this article, which seems to advocate for obtrusive JavaScript as the right thing:

My understanding is that unobtrusive JavaScript is generally considered "the right thing" (which is perhaps debatable, but outside the scope of my question). But I was wondering if there is a particular feature of AngularJS that requires event bindings be specified via attributes like ng-click? Is there a way to use AngularJS and NOT use inline event bindings?

For reference: Obtrusive JavaScript generally refers to having your JavaScript ties in the HTML itself. Unobtrusive JavaScript refers to using JavaScript or other means to programmatically apply code behaviors to the DOM rather than the plain-text markup having references to JavaScript.

Post Reopened by Doval, Jimmy Hoffa, psr, user53019, Ampt
clarifying obtrusive vs unobtrusive
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Jimmy Hoffa
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Is intrusiveobtrusive javascript required to support a feature of angular.js?

I'll start by saying I'm just learning about Angular.js, and I was reading this article, which seems to advocate for intrusiveobtrusive javascript as the right thing:

My understanding is that unobtrusive javascript is generally considered "the right thing" (which is perhaps debatable, but outside the scope of my question). But I was wondering if there is a particular feature of angular.js that requires event bindings be specified via attributes like ng-click? Is there a way to use angular.js and NOT use inline event bindings?

For reference: Obtrusive javascript generally refers to having your javascript ties in the HTML itself. Unobtrusive javascript refers to using javascript or other means to programmatically apply code behaviours to the DOM rather than the plain-text markup having references to javascript.

Is intrusive javascript required to support a feature of angular.js?

I'll start by saying I'm just learning about Angular.js, and I was reading this article, which seems to advocate for intrusive javascript as the right thing:

My understanding is that unobtrusive javascript is generally considered "the right thing" (which is perhaps debatable, but outside the scope of my question). But I was wondering if there is a particular feature of angular.js that requires event bindings be specified via attributes like ng-click? Is there a way to use angular.js and NOT use inline event bindings?

Is obtrusive javascript required to support a feature of angular.js?

I'll start by saying I'm just learning about Angular.js, and I was reading this article, which seems to advocate for obtrusive javascript as the right thing:

My understanding is that unobtrusive javascript is generally considered "the right thing" (which is perhaps debatable, but outside the scope of my question). But I was wondering if there is a particular feature of angular.js that requires event bindings be specified via attributes like ng-click? Is there a way to use angular.js and NOT use inline event bindings?

For reference: Obtrusive javascript generally refers to having your javascript ties in the HTML itself. Unobtrusive javascript refers to using javascript or other means to programmatically apply code behaviours to the DOM rather than the plain-text markup having references to javascript.

rewording to make my question less offensive to moderators.
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has opinion changed on unobtrusive Is intrusive javascript required to support a feature of angular.js?

I'll start by saying I'm just learning about Angular.js, and I was reading this article, which seems to advocate for intrusive javascript as the right thing:

And that's a bit confusing to me, because really old schoolMy understanding is that unobtrusive javascript style would put event bindings directly into the web page viais generally considered "the right thing" onclick or other html attributes. Then along came(which is perhaps debatable, but outside the philosophyscope of unobtrusive javascript, which said that you should separate presentation from codemy question). And now, the hot new thingBut I was wondering if there is angularjs, which apparently advocates for puttinga particular feature of angular.js that requires event binding directly into the HTMLbindings be specified via attributes like ng-click.

So my question: has opinion changed regarding unobtrusive javascript? Was intrusive javascript chosen as a virtue in and of itself in angular, or is itIs there a necessary compromiseway to achieve some other enduse angular.js and NOT use inline event bindings?

has opinion changed on unobtrusive javascript?

I'll start by saying I'm just learning about Angular.js, and I was reading this article, which seems to advocate for intrusive javascript as the right thing:

And that's a bit confusing to me, because really old school javascript style would put event bindings directly into the web page via onclick or other html attributes. Then along came the philosophy of unobtrusive javascript, which said that you should separate presentation from code. And now, the hot new thing is angularjs, which apparently advocates for putting event binding directly into the HTML via attributes like ng-click.

So my question: has opinion changed regarding unobtrusive javascript? Was intrusive javascript chosen as a virtue in and of itself in angular, or is it a necessary compromise to achieve some other end?

Is intrusive javascript required to support a feature of angular.js?

I'll start by saying I'm just learning about Angular.js, and I was reading this article, which seems to advocate for intrusive javascript as the right thing:

My understanding is that unobtrusive javascript is generally considered "the right thing" (which is perhaps debatable, but outside the scope of my question). But I was wondering if there is a particular feature of angular.js that requires event bindings be specified via attributes like ng-click? Is there a way to use angular.js and NOT use inline event bindings?

Post Closed as "Opinion-based" by Oded
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