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My ASP.NET MVC Controllers Seemscontrollers seem like in mess

iI am developing program with MVC, I am new in this and iI feel like imI'm doing it wrong in these partparts:

  1. ImI'm populating all process in controller, because i dontI don't know how to put it in model (how to call it). I have read some reference and pplpeople say that we must put process in model (?)

  2. Many of my action have same process (repetitive). For example, many view has to load data from same sqlSQL table, so iI repeat the process to call the data in many view.

hereHere is part of my controller, can u guysyou please tell me if im dointI'm doing it right or wrong etc.

My ASP.NET MVC Controllers Seems like in mess

i am developing program with MVC, I am new in this and i feel like im doing it wrong in these part:

  1. Im populating all process in controller, because i dont know how to put it in model (how to call it). I have read some reference and ppl say that we must put process in model (?)

  2. Many of my action have same process (repetitive). For example, many view has to load data from same sql table, so i repeat the process to call the data in many view.

here is part of my controller, can u guys please tell me if im doint it right or wrong etc.

My ASP.NET MVC controllers seem like in mess

I am developing program with MVC and I feel like I'm doing it wrong in these parts:

  1. I'm populating all process in controller, because I don't know how to put it in model (how to call it). I have read some reference and people say that we must put process in model (?)

  2. Many of my action have same process (repetitive). For example, many view has to load data from same SQL table, so I repeat the process to call the data in many view.

Here is part of my controller, can you please tell me if I'm doing it right or wrong etc.

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My ASP.NET MVC Controllers Seems like in mess

i am developing program with MVC, I am new in this and i feel like im doing it wrong in these part:

  1. Im populating all process in controller, because i dont know how to put it in model (how to call it). I have read some reference and ppl say that we must put process in model (?)

  2. Many of my action have same process (repetitive). For example, many view has to load data from same sql table, so i repeat the process to call the data in many view.

here is part of my controller, can u guys please tell me if im doint it right or wrong etc.

public class EmployeeController : Controller
    private UserContext db = new UserContext();
    public async Task<ActionResult> Index()

        string strquery = "Select employee.EmpId,EmpName,OrgName,EmpJobLvl,JobLvlName,EmpJobTtl,JobTtlName,employee.EmpType,"
                            + "EmpDateStart,EmpEmail,EmpHandphone,EmpJoinDate,EmpSignDate,EmpNPWP,EmpResAddr,city1.CityName AS CityName1,EmpResZipCode, "
                            + "EmpResPhone,EmpResStatus,EmpOriAddr,city2.CityName AS CityName2,EmpOriZipCode,EmpOriPhone,EmpOriStatus,EmpMaritalSt,EmpSex"
                            + " FROM employee "
                            + " join Organization (nolock) on employee.emporg = organization.orgcode "
                            + " join jobtitle (nolock) on employee.empjobttl = jobtitle.jobttlcode "
                            + " join JobLevel (nolock) on employee.EmpJobLvl = JobLevel.JobLvlCode"
                            + " join EmpType (nolock) on employee.EmpType = EmpType.EmpType"
                            + " INNER JOIN City city1 ON employee.EmpResCity = city1.CityCode"
                            + " INNER JOIN City city2 ON employee.EmpOriCity = city2.CityCode"
                            + " WHERE employee.EmpId = {0}";
        string rtsquery = "Select employee.EmpID,EmpFamRelation,EmpFamName,EmpFamDateBrith,CityName"
                            + ",EmpFamSex,EmpFamAlive,MaritalSt,EmpFamMaritalDate,EmploymentSt,EmpFamOccupation "
                            + ",EmpFamComp,EmpCompAddr,EmpFamEdu,EmpFamEduIns FROM employee  "
                            + "join EmpFamilys on employee.EmpId = EmpFamilys.EmpId "
                            + "join City on City.CityCode = EmpFamilys.EmpFamCityBirth "
                            + "WHERE employee.EmpId = {0}";
        string srtquery = "Select employee.EmpID,EmpEduStatus,EmpEduLevel,EmpEduName,EmpEduIns,CityName,EmpEduGraduate"
                            + ",EmpEduGrade,EmpEduResult,EmpEduFrontTitle,EmpEduEndTitle FROM employee  "
                            + "join EmpEducations on employee.EmpId = EmpEducations.EmpId "
                            + "join City on City.CityCode = EmpEducations.EmpEduCity "
                            + "WHERE employee.EmpId = {0}";
        var model = new PersonalDataViewModels();

        model.A = db.EmpFamilys.SqlQuery(rtsquery, Convert.ToInt32(@User.Identity.Name)).ToList();
        model.X = await db.Employee.SqlQuery(strquery, Convert.ToInt32(@User.Identity.Name)).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
        model.C = db.EmpEducations.SqlQuery(srtquery, Convert.ToInt32(@User.Identity.Name)).ToList();

        return View(model);

    public ActionResult Details()
        string strquery = "Select employee.EmpId,EmpName,OrgName,EmpJobLvl,JobLvlName,EmpJobTtl,JobTtlName,employee.EmpType,"
                            + "EmpDateStart,EmpEmail,EmpHandphone,EmpJoinDate,EmpSignDate,EmpNPWP,EmpResAddr,city1.CityName AS CityName1,EmpResZipCode, "
                            + "EmpResPhone,EmpResStatus,EmpOriAddr,city2.CityName AS CityName2,EmpOriZipCode,EmpOriPhone,EmpOriStatus,EmpMaritalSt,EmpSex"
                            + " FROM employee "
                            + " join Organization (nolock) on employee.emporg = organization.orgcode "
                            + " join jobtitle (nolock) on employee.empjobttl = jobtitle.jobttlcode "
                            + " join JobLevel (nolock) on employee.EmpJobLvl = JobLevel.JobLvlCode"
                            + " join EmpType (nolock) on employee.EmpType = EmpType.EmpType"
                            + " INNER JOIN City city1 ON employee.EmpResCity = city1.CityCode"
                            + " INNER JOIN City city2 ON employee.EmpOriCity = city2.CityCode"
                            + " WHERE employee.EmpId = {0}";
        string srtquery = "Select employee.EmpID,LvAppId,SubmitDate,LvPeriod,LvDesc,Status,Type,Comment"
                           + " FROM employee  "
                           + "join LeaveApps on employee.EmpId = LeaveApps.EmpId "
                           + "WHERE employee.EmpId = {0}";
        var model = new LeaveApplicationViewModels();
        model.X = db.Employee.SqlQuery(strquery, Convert.ToInt32(@User.Identity.Name)).FirstOrDefault();
        model.C = db.LeaveApps.SqlQuery(srtquery, Convert.ToInt32(@User.Identity.Name)).ToList();

        foreach (var row in model.C)
            string wwwquery = "Select LvAppId,LvDate FROM LeaveDate WHERE LvAppId= {0}";
            row.D = db.LeaveDate.SqlQuery(wwwquery, row.LvAppId).ToList();

        string sssquery = "Select LeaveDate.LvAppId,LvDate FROM LeaveDate "
                          + " join LeaveApps (nolock) on LeaveDate.LvAppId = LeaveApps.LvAppId "
                          + " WHERE LeaveDate.EmpId= {0} AND Status <> {1} AND Type = {2} ";
        var used =db.LeaveDate.SqlQuery(sssquery, Convert.ToInt32(@User.Identity.Name), "rejected","Annual").ToList().Count;

        string maxquery = "Select Max,LeaveType,ID,TypeDetail FROM LeaveRule WHERE LeaveType='Annual'";
        var max = db.LeaveRule.SqlQuery(maxquery).FirstOrDefault().Max;

        var rem = max - used;
        ViewBag.a = used;
        ViewBag.b= rem;
        ViewBag.c = max;

        int comp = 0;
        var pendingtoogle = model.C.Where(x => x.Status == "pending" && x.Type == "Annual").ToList().Count;
        if (used < 12 && pendingtoogle == 0)
        { comp = 1; }
        else {comp = 0; }
        ViewBag.comp = comp;

        return View(model);