A scopeThere is the set ofno common term identifier bindings that(and you have access todon't need one) since they are different categories of things. The quote uses imprecise language:
In JavaScript, scope is the set of variables, objects, and functions you have access to.
I don't think thereTechnically this is a common name for functions, variableswrong, since it confuses variables and objectsvalues, because theywhich are somewhat differentdistinct concepts. Functions areA scope is a kind of object and object are are kindset of value, but variables are "slots" which may contain values. A variable is a named reference to a value. Objects, butfunctions and primitives are not values themselvesvalues.
So there is a level of indirection between variablesvariable and values,value which mean you will rarely talk aboutcannot lump them as the same thingtogether.