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Sep 17, 2018 at 7:46 comment added Lefteris008 (2/2) Can I create an if-else condition that has 15 members to validate and still be more efficient than a more shorter version with three members and encased into a try-catch?
Sep 17, 2018 at 7:44 comment added Lefteris008 (1/2) From the examples I've provided, you can see that I am parsing five fields that come externally from a middleware call (code not available for that). Middleware is not handled by me, so it is possible that each one of them could be null. Trying to perform an equality check with a null on C#, throws an exception. So, either I create a much more complex if-else statement that removes this possibility, or I simplify it and encase it in a try-catch statement. My question is more general: where if-else performance advantage ends over a try-catch?
Sep 17, 2018 at 7:41 history answered Kilian Foth CC BY-SA 4.0