Utilizing the technique in https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39980133/java-8-extending-streamt/45971597#45971597 I created the following class (I just don't like the unchecked suppression)
public interface RoomScheduleStream<T extends RoomSchedule> {
Stream<T> stream();
static <U extends RoomSchedule> RoomScheduleStream<U> of(Stream<U> delegate) {
return () -> delegate;
default RoomScheduleStream<T> flipAndFiltered(final LocalDate processingDate) {
return (RoomScheduleStream<T>) of(stream()
.map(roomSchedule -> roomSchedule.flipIfNeeded(processingDate))
.filter(roomSchedule -> roomSchedule.shouldBeConsidered(processingDate))
default Stream<RoomSlotAllocation> allocations(final LocalDate processingDate) {
return stream()
.flatMap(r -> r.getSlotAllocations(processingDate).parallelStream());
default Map<RoomSlotAllocation, Integer> collect(final LocalDate processingDate) {
return allocations(processingDate)
default Map<RoomSlotAllocation, Integer> filterAndCollect(final LocalDate processingDate) {
return flipAndFiltered(processingDate)
static Collector<RoomSlotAllocation, ?, Map<RoomSlotAllocation, Integer>> roomCollector() {
return toMap(
r -> r,
r -> 1,
This allows me to refactor to
Map<RoomSlotAllocation, Integer> allocationMap =
In addition this allows me to refactor to the following in case I want to inject a peek
for specific tests where I want to validate the output (in this case I used println
, but those could be asserts)
Map<RoomSlotAllocation, Integer> allocationMap =
TBH... I have no clue how this part of the code compiles, but that was derived from the original StackOverflow answer
static <U extends RoomSchedule> RoomScheduleStream<U> of(Stream<U> delegate) {
return () -> delegate;