I am trying to organize my architecture following the clean architecture while using some commncommon practices/frameworks. I'm writing in PHP, but have no problem with other languages. The flow of my app is somewhat like this:
1 - I got a front controller/bootstrapper which instantiates an App object.
2 - Inside de App I've got a router, which instantiates a Controller and then it calls an Action method.
3 - Controller Action gets a Use Case object as parameter using DI and returns raw data: boolean, string, array or whatever.
- I got a front controller/bootstrapper which instantiates an App object.
- Inside de App I've got a router, which instantiates a Controller and then it calls an Action method.
- Controller Action gets a Use Case object as parameter using DI and returns raw data: boolean, string, array or whatever.
My doubt is: Where should I go from here? I have to build a (Psr) ReponseResponse (loading views, redirecting or whatever) and send it to browser. Where this kind of logic should reside?
Let's say I have a common User Crud: A list of users is shown on screen and there's a "Create User" Button, which links to a Create User form. If validation fails on this form, the form is shown again showing why it was rejected. If everything is okOK, then the user is redirected to the "Users list" again. After I execute the Use Case on controller, should I test the return and build the Response (render views and/or call redirect to other screen or print a jsonJSON if it's an apiAPI method) right in the Controller Action? It just seems wrong. I have read a lot of stuff about SOLID, Clean Architecture, Separation of Concerns and good practices and I truly could not find anything addressing this kind of thing.
I appreciate if someone can shed some light on my thoughts. I also apologize for this long post and for possible grammar errors, because English is not my native language.