I would say to not start with TDD. Make an informed decision when you've spent more time learning architecture strategies in general. TDD won't let you skip that homework although you might start believing it does.
Here's my problem with it. When you say it seems like a lot of wasted time on stuff that will never break TDDers say you'll appreciate it when that one thing you didn't anticipate in a huge chain of dependencies gets busted. When you point out that it's impossible to predict such things before you write your app, which is uh... why we test, they tell you it's really more about design and not testing even though the testing comes in handy.
But aren't giant chains of unpredictable linked dependencies the product of crappy design?
So which is it?
Here's a thought. Let's not have huge complex chains of dependencies in the first place by considering the following two principles of object-oriented design from Design Patterns:
"Program to an interface, not an implementation"
That is to say, your objects should not care who is doing the calling or how they were made. Only that the proper args were fed in and that the methods they call from other objects they're directed to work as expected. Your chain of dependency in most cases should be at one linking point, the method call on the part of the caller and the spot where the args get dropped into your methods. That's where you log and validate and send useful messages for debug when things crap out.
"Favor object composition over class inheritance"
Who's the dummy? The guy who did something to a class in a convoluted cascading inheritance scheme involving like 30 classes resulting in fringe case breakage, or the dev who came up with that architecture in the first place? TDD might help you get to the bottom of issues inside that leaning tower of class Pisa sooner than you could have without but does that make it any less painful to attempt to modify one of the endpoints of that code disaster the next time?
And that's where I get to the thing that bugs me. Does TDD really help design or does it enable bad architecture? It seems to me like it has potential to be a self-fulfilling strategy. The more your team doesn't have to own responsibility for poor architecture, the more helpful those granular testing components seem to become, but ultimately your app becomes an increasingly bigger PITA to work with (assuming they never gave much thought to architecture in the first place). And failure to acknowledge the consequences of that is hands down, always the most expensive mistake you can make when working on an application that's meant to be upgraded and modified over time.