I'm currently working on an Arduino project where I need to keep track of entries for a certain amount of time, in this case, 30 days. Our company will attempt to sell this product to cities and governments. Therefore it really has to just work, which makes me want to refrain from dynamically allocating memory.
The entries are really small, they (currently) consist out of a single char
, but they might get bigger before the end of this project. An entry will be generated every specific interval, for now I am assuming this to be once every 5 minutes.
My idea was to allocate one array of entries, with as size the maximum amount of entries. To read or write an entry, I was thinking of grabbing the time in milliseconds since startup and dividing that by the amount of milliseconds in between every entry. Some pseudo-code: (The values in the defines do not match the described reality, I use simple values to make the example as clear as possible)
Entry[] entries = new Entry[TOTAL_ENTRIES_TO_KEEP];
Entry getCurrentEntry(){
I've implemented this, tested it, and it works fine. My problem is brought to me by Arduino.cc: (emphasis mine)
Returns the number of milliseconds since the Arduino board began running the current program. This number will overflow (go back to zero), after approximately 50 days.
This product has to keep running for way more than 50 days in a row, it should be able to stand for a couple years with only the bare minimum on maintenance. So I'll have to deal with this overflow. If the timer would overflow at, say, exactly TOTAL_ENTRIES_TO_KEEP * MILLISECONDS_PER_ENTRY
this would be no problem, as then it would overflow from entry 4999 to 0, which is what I do with %TOTAL_ENTRIES_TO_KEEP
anyways. Point is, it doesn't, and messing with the internal libraries to make it do so would not seem like the best idea to me.
I do not care about a slight deviation in the interval between entries, nor in the total amount of entries to keep. This system needs to show an average of entries over a monthly period, which is already ambiguous, so whether a month to the system lasts 30, 31, 32 or 30.94836 days does not matter to the end result.
How could I protect this system against the effects of this overflow? Thanks in advance for your input.