I use the following breakdown and will try to justify it after the description.
members (as in vars)
internal members
internal const members
internal static members
internal static const members
(repeat with public, protected, private)
properties (same as members)
ctors (internal, public, protected, private)
commands (ie void returns, or success or other returns that are not pure functions)
(internal, etc)
event handlers
control event handlers
remote event handlers
other event handlers
functions (ie queries)
(internal, etc)
You will notice an indentation scheme applied here. This is to indicate the presence of what I call the structured comments template which is created first thing when the file is blank. What the comments do is give you proper indentation layout (for code folding) and slots where new members are inserted according to the given attributes.
Here is a peak at that in C#, though I also use it for other languages.
The top:
//# namespace
// Z_DOT package UtilsCL ::UtilsWin32::UtilsCL:UtilsWin32.cs z.6566885600116177.2009.|package
namespace UtilsCL{
// Z_DOT class UtilsWin32::UtilsWin32::UtilsCL:UtilsWin32.cs z.3959885600116177.2009.|static-class
/// <summary>
/// Win32 PInvoke
/// </summary>
// ReSharper disable ClassNeverInstantiated.Global
public class UtilsWin32{
// ReSharper restore ClassNeverInstantiated.Global
// ReSharper restore UnusedMember.Global
//#, members
// ReSharper disable UnusedMember.Local
/// <summary>
/// Does nothing
/// </summary>
private void __(){
// ReSharper restore UnusedMember.Local
//#i, internal members
//#i*, internal static members
//#i*@, internal static const members
//#i@, internal const members
A midsection, note the comment:
//#-. private properties
//#-*. private static properties
//#-*@. private static const properties
// ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming
// ReSharper disable UnaccessedField.Local
#pragma warning disable 169
/// <summary>
/// Private Static Const Properties
/// </summary>
[SuppressMessage("Gendarme.Rules.Performance", "AvoidUnusedPrivateFieldsRule")]
private static object __God_private_static_const_properties;
#pragma warning restore 169
// ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming// ReSharper restore UnaccessedField.Local
#region "private_static_const_properties"
// Z_DOT ppt def:Set ::God::mrobbinsassoc::com::OmegaApp:God.cs z.7121082100597177.2009.|-*@.
/// <summary>
/// Gets the def.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The def. from Settings.Default</value>
// ReSharper disable MemberCanBePrivate.Global
private static Set def{
// ReSharper restore MemberCanBePrivate.Global
return Set.Default;
//; //<====================== Insertion POINT
//#-@. private const properties
Now, for the promised justification, having member vars at the top is the programmers view of things obviously not the best for the client, but that is why we have Doc Tools right?
Keeping code as rigid as this I am sure has its benefits for doing diffs. Also the general layout forces you to think about the architecture you are building. During the workflow I am putting in those Z_DOT identifiers via a macro which relies on the fn sig to be present and proper, before I hit that macro I affirm that I am scoping the member correctly etc. "Is this really what I want to do" instead of just injecting code anywhere in the class where I happen to be sitting and then reordering it later (ie if I wasn't using such a strict system)
The main benefit is now I can write macros that address the code precisely, as well as create external analysis/refactoring/generation tools.
It is very useful to have this second-level breakdown of not only access modifier, but of var, property backer, properties, commands, events, and (pure) functions. It gives you a view-on-things and makes you think in terms of that view.
Wire up a few macros to take you to each insertion point in the file (which doesn't actually have that big arrow thing I put there to demo it) and you are good to go.