I'm looking for a bug tracking system (similiar as http://www.mantisbt.org) with these following requirements:
Requirement specifications are:
Upload picture and different files without any limitaton of the file's space.
If user belong to a specific group or businesss group, the GUI:s logotype should be changed into group's logotype after the user has entered user name and password. All user use the same database with different GUI.
Right information of unassigned, modified and resolved bug case will be displayed based on what group or business group that the user is assigned to.
All information will display after the user has logged in.
Enable to create 1 or more super user (administrator) and regular user.
Right user with right group or business group will retrieve right information.
Non functional requirement:
The bugging tracker take place in a webbapplication.
All information must use web browser to view all information.