As far as I understand, a planning poker session usually is started by picking one item and assigning it a value (say, 1). This item will then serve as a reference for the rest of the session. From then on, all values will be relative to the first one.
Question 1: There seems to be no frame of reference to compare this session to past planning poker sessions, though. If the first item picked and assigned a '1' at session A is actually a bit harder to complete than the first item picked and assigned a '1' at session B, then points at session A and B will be of different value. This means that the total amount of points completed in sprint A and sprint B will not be comparable, defeating the whole purpose of estimation. Where is my mistake?
Question 2: Say the team uses the typical numbers (...13, 20, 40, 100). They decide that item1 = 20 and item2 = 40. Does this only mean item1 < item2 or does it also mean that item2 will take twice as long to complete?