Is it typical that a Product Owner (or even a BA) creates a high-level prototype/wireframe of a system based on the requirements document to ensure that the requirements are clear enough to start working on user stories for the UX & development teams?
I am currently being 'promoted' from a developer to UX designer and tasked with creating mock-ups direct from a requirements document, but the document is unclear on several aspects and have spent most of my time thus far doing what I would consider more PO/BA work of clarifying basic things in the requirements document. I am aware that this process is iterative and the UX/dev teams will probably need to discuss/clarify items during design & development, but is there some sort of 'minimum viable requirements' stage the PO is expected to deliver before this happens and how is this determined?
Edit for clarification: prototype here refers to a high-level visual aid created in something like Sketch, rather than a first revision implementation in code. In addition, in my example, no user stories exist, only a raw, incomplete requirements document.