I'm late to the party, but maybe this is still useful for others.
A fanout exchange does what you need.
Create one queue for each application/microservice. Create a fanout exchange. Bind each queue to the fanout. Now each message sent to the fanout will be delivered to each queue, i.e. the same message will be consumed by all microservices.
,--------, ,---------------,
,-->| Queue1 |----->| Microservice1 |
| `--------` `---------------`
,---------, ,==========, | ,--------, ,---------------,
| message |----->|| Fanout ||--+-->| Queue2 |----->| Microservice2 |
`---------` `==========` | `--------` `---------------`
| ,--------, ,---------------,
`-->| QueueN |----->| MicroserviceN |
`--------` `---------------`