This is a good question that professional developers have to consider carefully. The guideline to follow is that exceptions are called exceptions because they are exceptional. If a condition can be reasonably expected then it should not be signaled with an exception.
Let me give you a germane example from real code. I wrote the code which does overload resolution in the C# compiler, so the question I faced was: is it exceptional for code to contain overload resolution errors, or is it reasonably expected?
The C# compiler's semantic analyzer has two primary use cases. The first is when it is "batch compiling" a codebase for, say, a daily build. The code is checked in, it is well-formed, and we're going to build it in order to run test cases. In this environment we fully expect overload resolution to succeed on all method calls. The second is you are typing code in Visual Studio or VSCode or another IDE, and you want to get IntelliSense and error reports as you're typing. Code in an editor is almost by definition wrong; you wouldn't be editing it if it were perfect! We fully expect the code to be lexically, syntactically and semantically wrong; it is by no means exceptional for overload resolution to fail. (Moreover, for IntelliSense purposes we might want a "best guess" of what you meant even if the program is wrong, so that the IDE can help you correct it!)
I therefore designed the overload resolution code to always succeed; it never throws. It takes as its argument an object representing a method call and returns an object which describes an analysis of whether or not the call is legal, and if not legal, which methods were considered and why each was not chosen. The overload resolver does not produce an exception or an error. It produces an analysis. If that analysis indicates that a rule has been violated because no method could be chosen, then we have a separate class whose job it is to turn call analyses into error messages.
This design technique has numerous advantages. In particular, it allowed me to easily unit-test the analyzer. I feed it inputs that I've analyzed "by hand", and verify that the analysis produced matches what I expected.
Can we assume that the user entered the correct credentials and throw an exception when the credentials are invalid, or should we expect to get some sort of LoginResult object?
Your question here is about what I think of as "Secure Code" with capitals. All code should be secure code, but "Secure Code" is code that directly implements aspects of a security system. It is important to not use rules of thumb/tips and tricks/etc when designing Secure Code because that code will be the direct focus of concerted attacks by evildoers who seek to harm your user. If someone manages to sneak wrong code past my overload resolution detector, big deal, they compile a wrong program. But if someone manages to sneak past the login code, you have a big problem on your hands.
The most important thing to consider when writing Secure Code is does the implementation demonstrate resistance to known patterns of attack, and that should inform the design of the system.
Let me illustrate with a favourite example. Fortunately this problem was detected and eliminated before the first version of .NET shipped, but it did briefly exist within Microsoft.
"If something unexpected goes wrong in the file system, throw an exception" is a basic design principle of .NET. And "exceptions from the file system should give information about the file affected to assist in debugging" is a basic design principle. But the result of these sensible principles was that low-trust code could produce and then catch an exception where the message was basically "Exception: you do not have permission to know the name of file C:\foo.txt".
The code was not initially designed with a security-first mindset; it was designed with a debuggability-first mindset, and that often is at cross-purposes to security. Consider that lesson carefully when designing the interface to a security system.
, because you never expect to win?