Currently I am designing a cross-platform mobile app using Ionic and vue.js.
That app enables users to create a game, add players and play rounds. When the game is played, a score for each player will be kept.
Now I want to enable the functionality to show this score via a web-application, so it can be shown on a projector when people play it or something similar. For this, I am planning to put up a simple web-application.
If the app administrator requests it (game is played in person, only one app running per game), the app should show a link to the website (+ some custom id) where the current score is rendered. If the score changes, the rendered score on the website should change as well.
How should this best be implemented? I thought about using a webhook on the web-app that the app can send the score to, but maybe a persistent connecting between app and website is better for the continuous updating? Or is there a way to do this without hosting this otherwise useless website?