I have a program that runs on command-line, let's call it myprogram 1.0.1. It's published on GitHub.

Now I discovered that name already exist for a well-know software, so I want to change the name from myprogram to myprog. This, of course, will break the old usage of command since the user now must type myprog and not myprogram anymore.

The code remains the same.

Any suggestion?

  • 25
    Since this is a backward incompatible API change, you should bump to 2.0.0. Changing the name of a command line app is backward incompatible because the name is part of the API, and scripts using the tool will stop working.
    – JacquesB
    Commented Aug 11, 2022 at 6:05
  • 8
    @JacquesB, Can you turn that comment into an answer? It actually is one. Commented Aug 11, 2022 at 7:03
  • 9
    As a practical solution, I tend to agree with @JacquesB's approach. However, you might also consider the alternative POV that by publishing the software under a new name (if you actually change the package name and not just the executable) you essentially create a fork whose version numbering can be totally detached from the original, i e. you could just start myprog at 1.0.0 regardless of which version you reached in myprogram. Commented Aug 11, 2022 at 7:22
  • 5
    @Hans-MartinMosner please don't, it will confuse the heck out of people Commented Aug 11, 2022 at 15:10
  • 3
    I know the example is fake, but in case it parallels the actual naming.... you're going in the wrong direction. A more abbreviated name is likely to also have collisions, as well as be confused as just an abbreviation for the well-known program. i.e. you should not change myprogram to myprog but to program4whatzzit
    – Ben Voigt
    Commented Aug 11, 2022 at 19:43

5 Answers 5


I think myprogram needs to release 1.1.0 which supports the myprog alias. If the user invokes myprogram then it should present a notice/warning to the programmer that this name will be deprecated in the next major version release.

Upon release of myprog 2.0.0, myprogram should no longer work. The release of 2.0.0 could be nothing more than a name change. This will help to make the transition easier for developers since they have to worry about just a single compatibility-breaking change.

An alternative route is to fork myprogram into myprog and issue an abandonment notice like PHPExcel did; https://github.com/PHPOffice/PHPExcel

Whether or not your software rename constitutes a bump down to 1.0.0 instead of 2.0.0 is not a choice I am familiar with.

Regardless, I don't think versioning is going to be the big stumbling block but rather the name change itself. It sounds like a headache especially if people come across old tutorials for myprogram and are not aware of the name change.

Aliasing example in PHP:

class myprogram
    function __construct()
        trigger_error( 'myprogram is being renamed to myprog in v2.0.0. Please consider switching to myprog today.', E_USER_NOTICE );

class myprog extends myprogram
    function __construct()
        // empty to avoid calling myprogram's constructor

$myprogram = new myprogram();
  • 2
    "I highly advise against releasing 2.0.0 the day after 1.1.0." - why would that matter? The major version bump signals there is a breaking change, so users can take the time they want before updating.
    – JacquesB
    Commented Aug 11, 2022 at 15:41
  • 1
    I'm not sure what it means to "support the... alias"? A program has one specific identifying name on the system used to invoke it. Is there some system-level thing that allows two different names to invoke a program (specified internally by said program)? Commented Aug 11, 2022 at 15:52
  • 1
    @Erik Thanks, updated. This is exactly why I hesitated to provide any example at all until I realized some people couldn't grok the concept presented.
    – MonkeyZeus
    Commented Aug 11, 2022 at 17:39
  • 3
    @DanielR.Collins You can pretty always make a new command line program that does nothing but calls another one. Certainly you can argue that it's technically two different programs with two different names, but it has the effect of two names for the same program. No special system-level support required (though you may need some if you want to make the indirection closer to unobservable).
    – Ben
    Commented Aug 12, 2022 at 6:46
  • 1
    @MonkeyZeus: Pople are probably confused because the question is about changing the name of a command line program, but your example seems to be about changing the name of a class, which is a completely different thing. Can you even write command line programs in PHP?
    – JacquesB
    Commented Aug 13, 2022 at 10:04

Since this is a backward incompatible API change, you should bump to 2.0.0. Changing the name of a command line program is backward incompatible because the name is part of the API, and scripts and other tools using the program will stop working.

It might seem a big version jump for such a tiny change. But in semantic versioning, the version numbers does not reflect how big the changes are. They only reflect how the changes impact other systems which use your program - do they need to be updated or not?


The semantic versioning defines versioning rules solely in relation with the API, as it aims to facilitate the management of dependencies between packages.

Regarding the command line you are in a grey area. It is a user interface but at the same time it could be considered as a programming interface (e.g. in scripts). So it's up to you to define how you see it:

  • You may consider that the programme name is part of the API. Since any shell script would break with your new version, i.e. no backwards compatibility, you would have a major version increment.

  • You may consider that the programme name is not part of the API and that it's only a particular binding. The real API (parameters and options) is unaltered. In this case, you should consider a minor increment.

A major version for no new functionality does not feel right. Offer as part of the installation script or in your API documentation an optional creation of an alias or a copy with the old name to ensure backward compatibility. You can then go for the minor version with good conscience.

  • 14
    "A major version for no new functionality does not seem right." That's because your gut is still thinking in "marketing versioning" rather than "semantic versioning". In semantic versioning, that great new feature that will change your library from a niche product to a tool needed be every developer world wide will only cause a bump in the minor version, whereas a tiny bugfix that breaks backwards-compatibility in rare edge cases will cause a bump in the major version. It's by design.
    – Heinzi
    Commented Aug 11, 2022 at 14:28
  • 3
    "The real API (arguments and options) is unaltered", not args[0]. Commented Aug 11, 2022 at 15:17
  • 5
    You can't just decide that the program name is not part of the API! For command line programs, using the program name is how the program is invoked. Changing it is the same as changing the name of an option - it is a breaking change.
    – JacquesB
    Commented Aug 11, 2022 at 15:31
  • 1
    @Christophe regarding parsing of argv[0], I can think of plenty examples, most of them had to do with displaying a warning when the program was invoked via the old name. And of course there are also multicall binaries like Busybox or some builds of GNU coreutils, where the name used for invocation determines what the executable actually does. Commented Aug 11, 2022 at 16:54
  • 1
    @Christophe For handling of the transition to a new name? Definitely. The usual setup is that you install the binary with the new name, and then have a symlink with the old name pointing at the new one. Then you just check argv[0] to decide whether to warn the user about the changed name or not when invoked. The multicall binary thing is much more specialized, but makes sense in some use cases (such as the typical use case for Busybox of providing most of the basic shell environment on a minimalistic system). Commented Aug 11, 2022 at 19:56

The purpose of semantic versioning is effectively to communicate a certain kind of change to the users of an API. But when you change the name of a command line tool, this alone seems to be a very clear communication to any command line programmer that the API has changed.

So you can change the major or minor version number, if you like, or keep it, or set it down to 1.0 for the new name, it will actually don't matter. If your intent is to show to the users that no functionality has changed, you should probably keep the old version number. But because of the name change, they cannot rely on that alone and will have to read your changelog either.


The semantics of your code haven't changed - if I call your code, it will act exactly as before. What changes is how I call it (which name to use). But that's something the user most likely could have done themselves. I can rename an executable file that I downloaded, and that doesn't change it's semantic version.

Exception is if the name of the executable is relevant to it its operation. For example, at runtime your code would read the name of the executable "myprogram" and would create a directory "caches/myprogramcache". And that stops working when the executable is renamed to "myprog" because now it looks for a directory "caches/myprogcache". Probably best to avoid this.

  • 6
    Semantic versioning is not about the semantics of the code, it is about the semantics of the version number - i.e. the version numbers have meaning rather than being random. And the semantics of version number indicates if there are breaking API changes,.
    – JacquesB
    Commented Aug 11, 2022 at 15:06

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