I am looking to create a "my actions" block on the dashboard of the website. This block would include all sort of dynamic actions that the user needs to do.
Some examples are:
- The volunteer still needs to sign volunteer contract 1
- The volunteer still needs to sign expense note 1
- The volunteer still needs to sign expense note 2
- ...
There will be a fixed list of all the different actions that can appear inside the actions list, they will never be created by the user itself, but always by the system. The user will then be able to complete the action directly from that actions list (by clicking on it). Or from some other parts of the site (e.g. for the document signing, it can also be done from the documents page).
We also want a history of all the actions that the user completed (with a timestamp).
Is it a better idea to calculate the "still to do actions" in real-time (i.e. every time the user opens the page). It seems so, since the actions could change over time (e.g. the organisation deleted the volunteer contract, hence it doesn't need to be signed anymore). Or would it be better to keep every action in the database, and keep this in sync with the CRUD operations done on each entity?
Is there anyone who can give insights, or has already done a project like this? I am running blank in searching around for projects like this, since it always ends up at a simple "todo list".
My stack is VueJS + NodeJS + MariaDB.