Detailed Idea for the Dermatech System

  1. Main Idea of the System: Dermatech is an AI-based system that operates through a mobile application, designed to assist users in diagnosing primary skin conditions and providing treatment recommendations. The system aims to simplify access to initial dermatological diagnoses while reducing the need for doctor visits unless necessary.

How the System Works:

  1. Image Capture and Disease Diagnosis:

The user captures an image of the affected skin area using their smartphone camera through the app. The image is sent to the application server, where a deep learning AI model analyzes it. The model identifies the potential skin condition based on the training data it has received.

  1. Asking Additional Questions for Confirmation:

After the initial diagnosis, the system asks specific questions (e.g., itchiness, pain, spread) to verify the diagnosis. These questions are chosen based on a database containing symptoms related to dermatological diseases.

  1. Providing the Final Diagnosis:

If the answers align with the initial diagnosis, the system provides the user with the final result and potential treatment recommendations (e.g., over-the-counter creams or medications). If the symptoms do not match the expected disease, the app advises the user to consult a dermatologist for an accurate diagnosis.enter image description here

  • The word "Mange" reads like a typo. Did you mean "Manage"?
    – Doc Brown
    Commented Nov 25 at 16:30
  • Yes, you're right. I meant to write "Manage," but I spelled it incorrectly.
    – Shahad At
    Commented Nov 25 at 18:26

1 Answer 1


Use cases shall explain the purpose of the system independently of its internal structure and how it achieves in detail the purpose. It is also not advised to use a use-case diagram for functional decomposition (see also Ivar Jacobson article on the evolution of use cases).

Keep the use-case diagram focused on the goals, and move everything where a there is some sequential order required to an activity diagram that describes more in detail the behaviors behind the use-case.

All what you need for your question is above. nevertheless some hints to set in practice with examples:

  • "View home page" is a user interface detail. Nobody uses a system just to see a home page.
  • "Manage accounts" should appear only once, even if different actors execute it. The CRUD details are not necessary as they make it more complicated.
  • "View past diagnoses" deserves a plain use-case on its own. Anyway, it's not included in "Manage account": this is an independent usage. Keep in mind: the fact that a user interface navigates from account to past diagnosis, is not a reason for the UC to show this user interface detail.
  • Not sure that "Manage database" adds any value here.
  • Login/logout are not use cases but actions that belong to an activity diagram.
  • "Initial diagnosis" and "questions seem different steps in the "disease identification" and therefore better suited for an activity diagram describing the activity needed for the diagnosis.
  • It is not clear if the autonomous AI actor also does the prescription or not. Depending on your design intent, either add it to the activity diagram of the diagnosis, or keep it as a separate use-case with a Doctor as actor.
  • Thank you for your feedback and suggestions. I have a question regarding your suggestion to merge the diagnosis-related steps These steps are currently separate but sequential, with interactions between the system and the user in each. Do you think it’s better to combine them into one use case (Identify Disease) or keep them separate since they involve distinct interactions? the role of the AI Model, it only identifies the disease and sends the result to the system. The medications are retrieved from the database and are not directly part of the AI’s output.
    – Shahad At
    Commented Nov 24 at 16:52
  • Interesting. So "Manage database" is meant to manage the medications for possible diseases? In this case keep that UC but make it more specific. Out of curiosity, does your database also deal with allergies to the medication or incompatibilities with other medications that the patient already takes for other purposes?
    – Christophe
    Commented Nov 24 at 23:10
  • Regarding potential merge, the two possibilities are open: you could have a UC "diagnosis and prescription" and AI actor would be involved even if it doesn't do it all. You could even merge in it the capture, and associate user to "diagnosis and prescription. An activity diagram would describe the different steps.
    – Christophe
    Commented Nov 24 at 23:20
  • Although I'm not a fan of it, you could alternatively use «include» not to show the sequence but the subgoals with involvement of different actors. Capture image would be included in it, diagnosis (but without going into its steps) and get medication presciption.
    – Christophe
    Commented Nov 24 at 23:21
  • 2
    @ShahadAt, a use-case diagram is basically a graphical table-of-contents for why actors would want to use the system. Anything that hints at a how or what does not have a place in a use-case diagram. Commented Nov 25 at 10:50

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