Why I Ask this Question:
I've just starting to learn Ruby (and by extension IronRuby since I work in the Microsoft world). I picked up IronRuby Unleased to teach me the basic syntax of Ruby, and any particulars of IronRuby. However, learning the syntax is not my primary goal (if that was, I would just obtain The Ruby Programming Language, which I might get eventually anyway).
I say this because I could learn the syntax, but still write programs in a non-Ruby way. Such as:
To me, doing these things sounds the effective equivalent of writing procedural code in Java, or learning the syntax of F#, but writing programs as if the language were C#.
Therefore, my main goal is to learn to program, to think, in the way that embodies Ruby's:
- Language idioms
- Dynamic style
- Tried-and-true principles and patterns of the community
*Response #28 to the link above (Forcing heavy-handed DI via DI frameworks), asks a similar question to the one I post here. The blog's author suggested reading Jim Weirich's code and perhaps Rails. I'm looking for additional suggestions.