Linked Questions

66 votes
36 answers

What can I do to get better at estimating how long projects are going to take? [duplicate]

I don't want to make life hard for management. I really don't. They're nice enough guys, but every time I am assigned a new project or task and get asked "how long do you think it will take to do ...
45 votes
12 answers

How possible is it to estimate time for programming projects? [duplicate]

It seems like it is nearly impossible to get close because you could run into any number of issues and things not first anticipated. How close can we be expected to reasonably estimate? Our PM wants ...
MetaGuru's user avatar
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15 votes
7 answers

How do you accurately create estimates for programming projects given to you? [duplicate]

I am looking for some insight from you smart people on SO. I'm a relatively new developer (3+ years of experience) primarily on the .NET framework, and I'm absolutely terrible at knowing how to ...
ChuckT's user avatar
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711 votes
17 answers

How to respond when you are asked for an estimate?

We, as programmers, are constantly being asked 'How long will it take'? And you know, the situation is almost always like this: The requirements are unclear. Nobody has done an in depth analysis of ...
66 votes
12 answers

Getting non-programmers to understand the development process

When starting a project for a company that's not primarily a programming company, one of the expectations is that there's a finished product at the end free of all bugs and does everything needed ...
42 votes
7 answers

How to explain that it's hard to estimate the time required for a bigger software project?

I'm a junior developer and I find it hard to estimate how much time it takes to finish a bigger software project. I know how to structure the architecture in general, but it's hard for me to know what ...
Jonas's user avatar
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27 votes
11 answers

Why is it you never get as much done as you'd planned? [closed]

I always start the day thinking "I'll easily get this done by the end of the day" and set what looks like a realistic target. So why do I never hit it? The task always ends up taking 3x longer due to ...
billy.bob's user avatar
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18 votes
6 answers

Best way to plan programming for small teams? [closed]

I am the Director of a small startup organisation. We currently have two programmers (one experienced, one less experienced) who are building a web application platform. One of the greatest ...
John B's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Scrum Team - Being asked to estimate project end date with an incomplete backlog

Looking for ideas in how to go about providing an estimate for project completion, when a fairly large percentage of backlog is not defined enough to confidently assign story points. This is a ...
twistedbits's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Efficient way to create a code estimation/technical specification in a fast-moving environment

To better understand my question, let me elaborate the background of the subject matter. I work in a financial institution where the business module (credit finance) is constantly changing. In the IT ...
Buhake Sindi's user avatar