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5 votes
2 answers

What document/artifact should alert me when an old requirement changes the scope of new one?

I developed a software application a year ago, I delivered it with a simple documentation. For example, it has an special and complicated login system as requirement. Now the customer calls and ask ...
Erick Asto Oblitas's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Quoting for a project with closed source [closed]

I sit with a project that I need to quote, and until the job is awarded, I can only use "View source" to check, and ask a few questions about the system. That makes quoting outright impossible for me ...
Kobus Myburgh's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Is it okay to add time for "unexpected delays" to a time estimate?

I've landed my first contract (hooray, self employment!) and the company is asking for time estimates. Programmers are notoriously bad at time estimates, and I know I've been laughably wrong before....
canisrufus's user avatar
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4 answers

Freelancing - Getting paid for the quote or estimate [closed]

It is often necessary to spend time designing a solution, breaking down the design into tasks and sub tasks and estimating the time it will take to complete each task in order to produce a reasonable ...
jah's user avatar
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4 answers

How do freelancers know how much their work is worth? [closed]

I want to start a bit of freelancing in web development using ASP.NET MVC3 and PHP and I already have some people who are interested in hiring me, but I still can't figure out how much to charge for ...
sed's user avatar
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5 answers

Statistics on time estimates for web application

I have been asked to help estimate the time it would take to develop a web application. I will not be involved in the actual programming, but I am participating as an "experienced" programmer. The ...
Peter Jaric's user avatar