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2 answers

RESTful Api for Mobile Clients

I am mobile developer and always have one particular fight with my web-service/backend developer which believe in designing restful api. Issue: As per Restful design,every api should be atomic in ...
Code_Life's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

iOS chat application design, sending/relaying the message over to the end user

I have a design question. Let us say you were tasked with building a chat application, specifically for iOS (iOS Chat Application). For simplicity let us say you can only chat with one person at a ...
AyBayBay's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Connecting a native iOS app to backend and database

I have a good amount of experience working with objective-C and making iOS apps that work locally and with BaaS providers ( However, I'd like to take my mobile development to the next level ...
user2992793's user avatar