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2 votes
3 answers

Should the domain layer be dependent on NHibernate?

Please see the code below: public interface IUnitOfWorkWrite <TSession> : IDisposable { TSession Session { get; } void Commit(); void Rollback(); ...
w0051977's user avatar
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What is the "best" way to approach validation from the perspective of a DDD purist?

I recently asked this question. I am trying to decide where to put the validation in a DDD app. I believe it should be done at every layer. I am now concentrating on the Domain model. I was ...
w0051977's user avatar
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One Session Factory for the lifetime of an application or one Session Factory per Unit of Work?

Please see the code below, which creates a Session Factory per Unit Of Work: public int Update(IdentityRoleView role) { var role2 = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<IdentityRole>(role); ...
w0051977's user avatar
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Should I use nhibernate for a one row settings table

I am using nhibernate in a quite big project. The system has a settings table which has 10 columns and one row, there is always a row and it should not be deleted only modified. Concurrency can be a ...
Jakob's user avatar
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3 answers

Abstracton layer to control services access to denormalized db entity

Our db is optimized for minimum join count (partially denormalized). E.g. our User entity contains account data (nickname, facebook id, etc), user numerical statistics (total games played, total wins, ...
Vlad's user avatar
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Unit test DAO code using SQL Lite when the application database is Oracle

We have an application with Oracle backend. The DAO layer is written in C# and uses nHibernet to perform the data operations. To unit test our DAO code, we use SQL Lite which creates the database ...
dineshsbisht's user avatar
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.NET software design and Oracle ODP.NET UDT

I'm working on a new common .NET software design (mainly) for WCF-based web service applications with related client frontends (all written in C#). As far I've chosen some frameworks (NUnit,Autofac/...
Marco Mayer's user avatar
3 votes
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Abstraction Layer over ORM Generated Entities

I am learning LINQ to SQL (and planning to learn Entity Framework). Initially I used a abstraction layer to convert LINQ to SQL entities into a domain objects. Later I discovered the “Inheritance ...
LCJ's user avatar
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Is it ok to call external services or database inside the entity

I have "logic engine" which executes set of user configured steps. These steps are saved in the database as "Step" entities. The engine gets the first step and then executes steps until there are no ...
Toni Parviainen's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Why is the Repository pattern needed in NHibernate?

I am reading the official Your first NHibernate based application. While the tutorial is good and easy to follow, I am wondering why the Repository pattern is used. In the various Add, Update, ...
Zabba's user avatar
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EF vs. NHibernate [closed]

In the past 2 years since I started writing business applications (before I did either high level front end or very low level systems programming), learned datasets, linq to sql, and now entity ...
Aaron Anodide's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

What is the benefit of using sharp architecture?

I'm working in a project that use nhibernate as orm. Is there any benefit for me to use sharp architecture? what is these benefits?
masoud ramezani's user avatar