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3 answers

DDD: big immutable item with some references to entity identifiers, should it be value object or entity?

Let's say I have a Mail, this mail have many properties given by the constructor (for example, 10-15 parameters). This mail can't be edited (immutable), the user has specifically requested to send ...
Vianney's user avatar
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In DDD, must a Value Object turn into an Entity when some limited idenifiablity is required?

I have an Entity type, let's say Car for example. There is a Value Object type Tire for it. Each car has a set of tires with certain properties. Sometimes tires are replaced, which is communicated by ...
Erik Hofer's user avatar
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DDD Value Objects and Entity Without ORM Mapping in PHP

First, as I know, Entity in DDD is almost same with Value Object except Entity has identity. Every article I have read say same thing that entity id has ORM mapping with any ORM tool. But I don’t want ...
Furkan's user avatar
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When to model an aggregate's entities as part of a value object?

I've read a lot about Domain Driven Design including books from Eric Evans and Vaughn Vernon. So I am familiar with the concepts Aggregate Root, Entity, and Value Object. But while I was modeling ...
Jonny Dee's user avatar
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How to determine aggregates when entities are shared?

So I'm trying to figure out exactly what my aggregates/aggregate roots are in my structure, and can't seem to wrap my head around it. Database contains the following tables: SALESGROUP ID ...
Sarov's user avatar
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2 answers

Should well-known business ID of an entity be represented with a dedicated type in DDD/OOP?

In practical terms it means using an custom (immutable) class over a string or some other primitive type. Examples: Publishing: International Standard Book Number. Finance: International Securities ...
Den's user avatar
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DDD - If an object is saved as a whole to the database, is it per definition an entity, or is it still possible that it is a value object?

I'm learning about Domain Driven Design and struggling with the question if a particular object should be handled as entity or value object. All possible surname prefixes are kept in a database table....
Bart Weber's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Unique Value Object vs Entity

Trying to convert some entities into value objects I am stuck in a case where what seems a value object must be unique within an aggregate. Suppose we have a Movie entity which makes the root of an ...
SystematicFrank's user avatar