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DDD Value Objects: when is enough enough? [duplicate]

Where do you like to draw the line for modeling a single value as a Value Object v.s. a primitive? For example if I have an internal order number and a customer order number, would you model them both ...
secondbreakfast's user avatar
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How can I change my code to display information about failure of creation of a value object, when I want to process an array of such objects?

Consider class Crate that is a value object. Crate represents a valid 3-dimensional box. In constructor I validate the given parameters, and I throw an exception, if supplied dimension parameters ...
Dennis's user avatar
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ValueObject - too wordy?

So, I'm having some value objects in my domain, and when I'm using them in one of my builders it looks like this: .withSomething(Id.of(123), Specifiers.of(MySpecifier.of("233"), MySpecifier.of("23423"...
Bojan Vukasovic's user avatar
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Passing around large value objects vs converting to smaller value objects

Let's say I have a project that needs to do the following: Multiple calls to read from the database where each call is a different query and returns back a value object (just has getters/setters). ...
radian's user avatar
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Dealing with Complex Value Objects

I am working with Martin Fowler's definition as a working base. I have a class called Condition that I am having trouble properly classifying. What makes me think this might be a value object: A ...
TheCatWhisperer's user avatar
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Option<T> functional type implementation and scenarios

Have you ever being implementing Option<T> functional type? It is discussed here: ...
Dmitry Nogin's user avatar
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domain driven design value object behavior

I recently finished Steve Smith and Julie Lerman's excellent Pluralsight course on Domain Driven Design, and I'm applying the training to a project. I have what I think is a good candidate for a value ...
tonyapolis's user avatar
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3 answers

Overriding equals() method in Java

Short question: Why does Java allow overriding equals(), why is it not final? I am reading Effective Java 2nd edition by Joshua Bloch. I am a bit baffled by the conclusion that There is no way to ...
InformedA's user avatar
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