In Java almost two decades ago the concept was called "fail fast" not "crash early". The main issue is that back then most of the times you had a server program handling multiple requests and it could not stop for a problem raised processing one single request, soon people found out that when a program writes just some log lines when an Exception is thrown most of the times it ends up being submerged by a huge amount of trivial reporting and troubleshooting turns into a painful digging into piles of log files. The most pragmatic approach was to send error reports to external applications and, at the same time, use Assertions which are Exceptions disabled by default unless the process is started with the flag Enable Assertions. Purpose of the assertions was to stop quickly processing in test environments letting people to spot immediately possible issues, hence the term fail fast as opposed to "resilient behaviour".
Unfortunately later on Junit reused the keyword assert and created a lot of confusion about it, but this is another issue.
With the development of enterprise Java and server programs spawning multiple instances to process client requests the need to keep working when an exception is raised was lessened and people began telling that if don't know what to do in a catch block you better not wrap the code with a try/catch that would just hide the exception to the caller, but this does not mean that you should not use try/catch at all, exceptions should always be handled as best as possible, you can ignore them only if you are sure that in one way or the other they will be managed at higher levels in the call stack.
Lately the idea of spawning a child for each request has been expanded by the advocates of reactive programming with the goal of obtaining fail fast and resilient behaviour at the same time. Provided you have a framework able to supervise, monitor, handle automatically failed requests. Crash early as it appears in the few words you quoted doesn't really seem to be on that line.