Derive from a base class but not include a condition in the base class's method
Huh. In python I would probably have the Details constructor take an iterable of enum/constant tokens, e.g. d = Details([Details.INCLUDE_FOO, Details.INCLUDE_DERG]) … is this a terrible idea and/or does it have a sane corrolary in c#?
Is it a good idea to have a database row that represents an unknown value within a system
Does system B use NULL referees to indicate no ref assigned? If so then the suggestions already posted don't work with the database as designed
Unsure about the decorator design pattern
Wouldn't needing to replace references to the original object be a problem here?
Why do class-based OO-languages always use the keyword `new` to create an object?
Why would anyone ever want a non-constructor function that looks like a constructor?
Why might it be difficult to make a 64 bit version of a program?
The issues can go farther than just compilation, too; I have a muscian friend who can't use the available 64-bit FL Studio because they require many VSTi's that are only 32 bit; other dynamic-link based plugin architectures are simillarly affected.
Is there a conventional way to combine file path strings?
os.path.join does basically the same thing for python, too
Encapsulation: Should all properties be private and protected?
It also depends on the language. In C# or Python you can always go back and make the field a property if you need extra behavior; in Java not so much; the future-change risk of exposed fields is much higher in java.
What's the difference between stateful and stateless?
A typical "leave your email address and a message and we'll get back to you" form is also stateless. When you submit the form the server dosen't care where you got it from, and it just copies the data into some customer service todo list and forgets about it.
What makes Python more used as an implementation language than the others?
For history, I can tell you that (a) python 1.5.2 final was released in 1999 and (b) python 1.5.2 compatability was a big issue for a long time because 1.5.2 was used in a bunch of distro-internal stuff in Redhat for a long time. At least I saw a lot of second hand mentions of the latter a while back. .... For Perl, I have heard people compare it to line noise and call it a write only language, but I know it gets used a ton and I haven't gone there so hard to say. I do remember thinking it was like INFORM (interactive-fiction lang) which I also felt was line noise, at first glance >.>. (#TADS)
What do you mean by Javascript component development?
I would call the date pickers and sliders "widgets", personally. Widgets are components themelves but a rather small subset thereof. I generally agree with MainMa here, thoug components are modules and submodules and such.
Changing method signature while keeping backwards compatibility
You could also make users using the new functionality use a new function to register the callback, and record then the way it needs to be called. Probably makes more sense for objects that already have a pool of callbacks though.
Finding same numbers in a matrix
I would really suggest generalizing your coordinate math into some function bx,by = move(ax,ay,dx,dy) which does bounds checking and so for you. In your language might require defining a basic point class to return the data sanely though.
Should an event listener be called if attached after the event has already fired?
NP, i'm not all up with html post 4 but it sounded odd. Nice explination, too.
Should an event listener be called if attached after the event has already fired?
Erm, did you mean html's "onload"?
Is it possible to have a dynamically typed language without duck typing?
Python supports operator overloading too. def add(a,b): return a+b is doable. It's converted to a.__add__(b) automatically. ... So yeah, duck typing seems to require some kind of advanced user defined types. Though data members also work, so duck structs would also be possible, similar to this: def addstuff(a,b,t): t.stuff = a.stuff + b.stuff
Checking that a function is only run from __main__ in Python
The only thing i can think of that would require this is parsing sys.argv. Pass that in from main if you have to. Otherwise don't waste your time and brainpower preventing people from calling your module's undocumented/private functions. It's their problem if that kind of thing dosen't work right.
Why must we learn Procedural programming before we learn Object-oriented programming
I actually had trouble grokking math functions for a while cause i had learned some coding first, and the concept of a function that 'is' instead of 'doing things' baffled me. :3