We're developing a hosted CMS, something like WordPress.com. When we were creating the Image Gallery module, we examined many jQuery libraries like easySlider, jCarousel, and Nivo Slider. But each of them had some kind'of weird bug across browsers. We almost put 2 days into finding where the bug was from. But we couldn't find the problem source. The most important reason could be that our system is now is complex.
Here are the problems:
- easySlider sliding were not transitional and was abrupt.
- jCarousel were sliding images half to their width in IE.
- Nivo Slider didn't hide the last-shown image, thus was not suitable for and image gallery with heterogeneous images.
We just concluded that we need to find a library which can work without bug, and we searched and found one.
But my question is, is it normal for large projects that the source of a bug cannot be found and instead, it's located with trial-and-error and you simply flee from the bug? Do you have such an experience?