I'm trying to develop a model to work on an assignment problem in the firegifhter area. Given n firefighters, m trucks and z ongoing fires, each with a danger level, try and allocate the resources in the best way.
Is there some work on this i can read to try and understand how should i formulate my problem (costs, and so on)?
I have more details on the model. For each danger level there is a minimum number of firefighter that should be guaranteed, giving priority to the higher levels. Trucks have capacity and firefighters can only be allocated if there is a truck to take them to the fire. There's also a constraint saying that a fire can be abandoned if one with 2 or more levels above doesn't have the minimum number. Does this look like knapsack?
I am adding this because it might be of help to someone facing a similar problem. I opted to solve this using a tree. If you would like details feel free to contact and i can explain the algorithm in detail.
Disclaimer: i am familiar with assignment algorithms, like the Hungarian, for instance, and what i am looking here is not help with the algorith per se but with the formulation.
for fire in fires { cost += fire.priority * fire.number_of_assigned_firefighters }