Possible Duplicate:
How do I create my own programming language and a compiler for it
I want to create a new general purpose language that will compile to JavaScript and I'd like to be able to write it in that same JavaScript.
I wouldn't go much into detail about why, but how can I do it? Currently I have professionally coded in JS, Java, Groovy, PL/SQL, PHP among the rest, so I'm covered on the language user side of the story, but I have no theoretical or practical knowledge from the create language side.
I have browsed the web for the past week and noticed a soup of acronyms and/or names like RR, LALR, BNF, AST etc. so I figure I need two things:
- Good Book(s) about theory
- Working projects or experiments that I can use to jump start my learning (something free like that narcissus)
No, this question does not cover the EXACTLY SAME content and it is not on the same topic even worse, even though there are two good answers, they don't answer how I can practically USE JS TO BUILD THE TOOLS (JS TRANSPILER) I NEED FOR THE NEW LANGUAGE.
Any ideas?