Q: How does a DBA count?
A: 0, 1, many
An individual has 1 or more given names and 1 or more family names, and possibly a title. These names have an order to them. It is up to the localization and culture to determine how to refer to an individual.
NamePart {"John", "Smith", ... }
NameType {title, given, family, ???}
Order {1, 2, 3, ... }
For Pedro Arturo Rodríguez Loyola
(contact #1), you would have four rows:
1 / Pedro / given / 1
1 / Arturo / given / 2
1 / Rodríguez / family / 3
1 / Loyola / family / 4
This way it is not limited to any given structure yet still makes sense for a given contact on there. What do you do when you have someone with 3 or 4 given or family names? or a maiden name?
Note that I've changed the order from a from previous revision of this answer - the order is an order over the entire name rather than just an order within the name type because in some cultures, the family name comes first, you may have split title parts "Sir John Smith II".
Additional Reading