I've seen around the Internet and Github, implementations for the design pattern Repository that knows about database table and column names. I was think, if I want to work with the database as a plugin, that I can unplug and plug another respecting Open/Closed for the rest of my code, my repository should not know about the column names of the database I'm using. So how to implement this pattern in a way that it can transform the result from the database into a Entity of my domain, without knowing about the database table and column names?
As my main language is PHP, I saw that in Doctrine\ORM you can easily pass different yamls or xmls config files, mapping the column names to property names on the Entity, but... I cant be a hostage of a library implementation, if I want to implement raw PDO, or any other library for my repositories that doesn't make this hydration out-of-the-box, my implementation should do, so how?
Update 2
Please, take a look at: http://leocavalcante.github.io/patterns/2014/07/11/repository-pattern-and-database-schema.html