I have a similar situation, in that my domain model consists of a web of linked entities. I have solved it in this way:
For each Entity type, I have a corresponding EntityRepository. The Entities are completely unaware of the existence of the repositories.
Each EntityRepository type maintains a cache of the Entity instances that it knows about (those that were retrieved from that repository), and it has references to the repositories of linked entities.
When saving an Entity in its repository, the repository checks if it knows about the entity and either inserts it in the database (and its cache), or it updates the database. For linked entities, the repository requests the repository of the linked item to save that item and then it updates the database links between the entities.
Entities that are disassociated from each other are detected automatically in a similar way in the repositories.
To give an example in pseudocode:
// Entities
class Child { }
class Parent
Child[] getChildren();
// Repositories
class ChildRepository
save(Child entity)
if (cache.contains(entity))
Child[] cache
class ParentRepository
save(Parent entity)
if (cache.contains(entity))
Parent[] cache
ChildRepository childRepo