I'm developing realtime web chat using pubsub pattern. To be concrete I'm using python and tornado-redis on back end and websockets (WS) (tornado) on front end. I have WS connection open and close events. So I stuck with the problem what is the best solution to store current online user list.
Here are some theses:
- I would like to run multiple threads so data about online users should persists in accessible for all place. Horizontal scaling requires the same.
- One user can open multiple connections. Meaning same username can be present in multiple connection instances.
- Store in nowhere! Meaning when I need current online just broadcast message to all and determine who's online from responses. (+) I know real userlist everytime, (-) this is increasing processing time and complicating implementation).
- Store current online in database in a separate table. Every table row matches a single connection. (In current realization it's redis hmap.
{"hash of current connection" : "username"}
. hset on WS opening (a user connects), hdel on WS closing (user disconnects). (+) Fast if I just need to get current online, (-) If a user disconnects and database connection is lost the same time the DB info would be wrong. - Specific to redis and my current realization. Since I have a single redis connection per WS connection I can store user info in tornado clientname. Since redis already has info about connected users. I can get client-list, filter it by some criteria (clientname) and get online. (+) I delegate online to redis . (-) Storing multiple online lists becomes complicated. For example if webchat has multiple rooms (lets assume 100) storing online for a every room in a single place looks a bit messy.
Which solution best meets my requirements, or do you have a better solution?