I want to possibly use Java Reflection to set some data at RunTime. My problem is I can't figure out how do I get sub-classes information and use as a part of reflection.
I want to use Reflection to keep it generic functionality for future flexibility.
Java Structure - Class & Fields (field data type in brackets) following in bullets. Setter / Getter methods for each field is present. This is sample representation.
- RestaurantId (long)
- RestaurantName (String)
- RestaurantCity (String)
- Employee (Employee object)
- Menu (Menu object)
- EmployeeId (long)
- EmployeeName (String)
- MenuId (long)
- MenuItem (String)
- MenuCategory (String)
- MenuIngredients (Ingredients object)
- IngredientId (long)
- IngredientName (String)
As we can see I have multiple level of object structure. So Restaurant
as the top most object, then within Restaurant
there is object of Employee
and Menu
and within Menu
object there is a Ingredients
I will get class name and field (method name) to set the value. E.g. I will get something like Class = Restaurant & Field Method = setRestaurantCity
and value to set in the City. I may also get Class = Menu & Field Method = setMenuItem
or let's say Class = Ingredients & Field Method = setIngredientName
and respective values for them.
I have provided sample java code with which I am trying to test. As we could see in java code that it works fine for setting value in Restaurant
object. However I would like to set the data in another object which is actually two levels down to Restaurant
, that is, Restaurant --> Menu --> Ingredients
. for valueObject2
I don't want to use instanceOf
as that would need me to verify each and every object. As current structure is not just 2 levels but much more deeper something like going upto 5 levels down with total class objects counting upto 25 of them.
I am looking for some solution where I can match the names of the class and set respective values. So, if I get valueObject3
and respetive Class & Field is sent in future, then the solution should work.
Open for any other solution as well other than Reflection
Java Code
public static void main(String[] args) {
try {
Object valueObject1 = "Mumbai";
String fromClass1 = "com.test.Restaurant";
String fromMethod1 = "setRestaurantCity";
Object valueObject2 = "Bread";
String fromClass2 = "com.test.Ingredients";
String fromMethod2 = "setIngredientName";
Object restnt = new Restaurant();
Class<? extends Object> clsRestnt = restnt.getClass();
Method[] toRestMethods = clsRestnt.getMethods();
for (int i = 0; i<toRestMethods.length; i++)
System.out.println("Found Method " + toRestMethods[i]);
valueObject1 = toRestMethods[i].invoke(restnt, valueObject1);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException | InstantiationException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block