A monad consists of
An endofunctor. In our software engineering world, we can say this corresponds to a datatype with a single, unrestricted type parameter. In C#, this would be something of the form:
class M<T> { ... }
Two operations defined over that datatype:
/ pure
takes a "pure" value (i.e., a T
value) and "wraps" it into the monad (i.e., it produces an M<T>
value). Since return
is a reserved keyword in C#, I'll use pure
to refer to this operation from now on. In C#, pure
would be a method with a signature like:
M<T> pure(T v);
/ flatmap
takes a monadic value (M<A>
) and a function f
. f
takes a pure value and returns a monadic value (M<B>
). From these, bind
produces a new monadic value (M<B>
). bind
has the following C# signature:
M<B> bind(M<A> mv, Func<A, M<B>> f);
Also, to be a monad, pure
and bind
are required to obey the three monad laws.
Now, one way to model monads in C# would be to construct an interface:
interface Monad<M> {
M<T> pure(T v);
M<B> bind(M<A> mv, Func<A, M<B>> f);
(Note: In order to keep things brief and expressive, I'll be taking some liberties with the code throughout this answer.)
Now we can implement monads for concrete datagypes by implementing concrete implementations of Monad<M>
. For instance, we might implement the following monad for IEnumerable
class IEnumerableM implements Monad<IEnumerable> {
IEnumerable<T> pure(T v) {
return (new List<T>(){v}).AsReadOnly();
IEnumerable<B> bind(IEnumerable<A> mv, Func<A, IEnumerable<B>> f) {
;; equivalent to mv.SelectMany(f)
return (from a in mv
from b in f(a)
select b);
(I'm purposefully using the LINQ syntax to call out the relationship between LINQ syntax and monads. But note we could replace the LINQ query with a call to SelectMany
Now, can we define a monad for IObservable
? It would seem so:
class IObservableM implements Monad<IObservable> {
IObservable<T> pure(T v){
IObservable<B> bind(IObservable<A> mv, Func<A, IObservable<B>> f){
To be sure we have a monad, we need to prove the monad laws. This can be non-trivial (and I'm not familiar enough with Rx.NET to know whether they can even be proved from the specification alone), but it's a promising start. To facilitate the remainder of this discussion, let's just assume the monad laws hold in this case.
Free Monads
There is no singular "free monad". Rather, free monads are a class of monads that are constructed from functors. That is, given a functor F
, we can automatically derive a monad for F
(i.e., the free monad of F
Like monads, functors can be defined by the following three items:
- A datatype, parameterized over a single, unrestricted type variable.
Two operations:
wraps a pure value into the functor. This is analogous to pure
for a monad. In fact, for functors that are also a monads, the two should be identical.
maps values in the input to new values in the output via a given function. It's signature is:
F<B> fmap(Func<A, B> f, F<A> fv)
Like monads, functors are required to obey the functor laws.
Similar to monads, we can model functors via the following interface:
interface Functor<F> {
F<T> pure(T v);
F<B> fmap(Func<A, B> f, F<A> fv);
Now, since monads are a sub-class of functors, we could also refactor Monad
a bit:
interface Monad<M> extends Functor<M> {
M<T> join(M<M<T>> mmv) {
Func<T, T> identity = (x => x);
return mmv.bind(x => x); // identity function
M<B> bind(M<A> mv, Func<A, M<B>> f) {
join(fmap(f, mv));
Here I've added an additional method, join
, and provided default implementations of both join
and bind
. Note, however, that these are circular definitions. So you'd have to override at least one or the other. Also, note that pure
is now inherited from Functor
and Free Monads
Now, since we have defined a monad for IObservable
and since monads are a sub-class of functors, it follows that we must be able to define a functor instance for IObservable
. Here's one definition:
class IObservableF implements Functor<IObservable> {
IObservable<T> pure(T v) {
return Observable.Return(v);
IObservable<B> fmap(Func<A, B> f, IObservable<A> fv){
return fv.Select(f);
Now that we have a functor defined for IObservable
, we can construct a free monad from that functor. And that is precisely how IObservable
relates to free monads — namely, that we can construct a free monad from IObservable
is the only monad I have seen suggested that cannot be expressed via the free monad, one can probably assume that FRP can be. As can almost anything else.IObservable
is an instance of the continuation monad.