I am fairly new to the microservice architecture. I am trying to build a web application in this kind of way. After some research online about microservices and having experience with Spring and Angular I want to build a web application with a separate front-end and multiple (separate) back-end REST API's.
How i want to design my application is a javascript/html/css front end (developed by me, no external clients). The front end will communicate via an API gateway (Reverse proxy) to my backend REST API's. The REST API's will be different microservices. I want the user to sign in once (SSO) to be authenticated and authorized for the REST API's. Some API's will be public, but some must be protected. Also this could be on different levels (admin and user API's).
Front end -> API Gateway --> Authorization server
|-> User REST API (User and Admin)
|-> Statistics REST API (User and Admin)
|-> Admin user overview REST API (Admin only)
The thing that worries me is the user authentication/authorization. (Its a big deal in my app). This is where i got lost. I did some research online for this and there are a lot of people recommending Oauth2 for this. Altough i tought Oaut2 is for application to application authorization there seems to be a authorization flow for javascript based web apps (The implicit flow). I want the user to log in in the front end, no social authentication or anything. Complete own developed system.
It is actually language agnostic (Almost each language can implement OAuth2). I am ooking for the best way to implement security authentication and authorization. But i was wondering is OAuth2 is the right thing for this architecture. Is the Oauth2 implicit flow good enough for my own developed front end? Or could/should i use the password flow?
If Oauth is not suitable for this goal, what should be used then? I read about JWT but i am not sure if that is what i need. And if Oauth2 is suitable for my situation, should i use the Implicit or Password flow?
I hope you guys can help me decide and explain things a bit.