I wanted to move my program into a class or classes because most of the form post I read say it makes the program easier to read, understand the flow of the code, and improve maintainability.
Realizing at some point I would be adding more and more to my code until its over 1000 lines I decided to move my GUI into a class.
(keep in mind I have a fully functioning program using just functions)
I got as far as getting the basic frame layout to work but I must be doing things all wrong. I cant get everything to work well together. I have been able to get classes to work just find for small sections of my code Like creating buttons or labels. But when I try to add in all the GUI elements it keeps breaking.
I have spent many hours reading up on classes and watch tutorials about classes specifically for python. For some reason I am having a hard time apply what I know about classes to anything more complicated than buttons and labels.
For me so far everything makes sense using functions. So I imaging it should make sense using methods in a class. However it has not been this straight forward.
This all leads to my questions for this post. Keep in mind I am using python. I am not embedding any other language to my knowledge and I know python is a little more flexible thane say Java would be about using classes.
Should I continue to use functions for the main body of my code and use classes for small repetitive task like making buttons while studding classes until I reach that Aha moment with classes? Or Should I stop working on my program and really dig into classes?
Will it have an impact in the long run if I wait to really understand classes or get it done before I move on with anything else or a mix of both?
Would you write all of your program using functions/variables or try to do everything in a class?