TL/DR: When requiring another script in Node.js and defining it as a const should the variable name still be in camelCase like it was usual with var or should it instead be in SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE as is more usual for a const?

const someVariable = require('...js');


const SOME_VARIABLE = require('...js');

Longer version: In Node.js another script is usually imported using

var someScript = require('path/to/someScript.js');

With ES6 being available in Node.js such a var could instead be declared as a const (or in some cases as a let if it's ever redefined).

Now as we're working on defining a style guide for our development we came to the conclusion in other languages like Typescript (Angular 2) that whenever we declare a const we write the variable name in SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE like


Now we would conclude that this means that in Node.js we should define our script variables like

const SOME_SCRIPT = require('path/to/someScript.js');

As you're usually using those script variables a lot in Node.js code can become quite difficult to read. Also I couldn't see a lot of examples of other people doing it similarly and instead often use it like

const someScript = ...;

so still writing the variable name in camelCase.

My question is as a What is the preferred / best practice way of writing those variable names using ES6 const?

  • 1
    I've never heard it called SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE before but 1) that's hilarious and 2) that gives me great mental images.
    – Becuzz
    Commented Sep 14, 2017 at 12:36
  • “Constant” doesn't necessarily mean a const variable, but a value that will be unchanged for all runs of the program – basically named literals. Often the value of constants is known at design time. Reserving UPPERCASE variables for these kinds of constants might be a good idea. After all, nearly all vars could usually be const.
    – amon
    Commented Sep 14, 2017 at 13:50
  • 1
    The 'SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE' had traditionally been used only for pre-processor macro identifiers in languages such as C, where the pre-processor is a pre-compilation step which operates before the compiler itself starts running. A pre-processor step essentially re-writes source code before feeding into the compiler. Pre-processor macros do not follow the same "rules" as the rest of the language syntax; all-uppercase identifiers put a clear distinction so that programmers can instantly recognise the difference between compiled statements and pre-compiiled statements. Commented Sep 15, 2017 at 5:30
  • 1
    Fabulous question. We are currently facing the very same problem.
    – OddDev
    Commented Jan 25, 2018 at 13:31

1 Answer 1


You are not really declaring a variable, but what other languages call an alias.

Example in Python:

import numpy as np

Example in C#:

using Project = PC.MyCompany.Project;

For your case, from the official node.js module API documentation:

const square = require('./square.js');
const mySquare = square(2);
console.log(`The area of my square is ${mySquare.area()}`);


console.log('main starting');
const a = require('./a.js');
const b = require('./b.js');
console.log('in main, a.done=%j, b.done=%j', a.done, b.done);

Different languages use different conventions. The official node.js API documentation uses camelCase, you should use camelCase.

  • Thank you for the quick and expressive answer. That's kind of what I thought but I haven't had any written proof for it. Didn't notice the official documentation was already updated to use const.
    – MariusR
    Commented Sep 14, 2017 at 13:04

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