I am trying to break down a large application so that multiple teams can work on it. I have created a number of Bounded Contexts for the domain layer. Each bounded context is contained in its own solution with an Infrastructure layer and a Service Layer. There is one repository per aggregate root.
How do you deal with the User Interface layer? Please see this article here: http://arunendapally.com/post/how-to-use-a-mvc-area-in-multiple-applications. Say I have three bounded contexts. Is it normal to split the UI into three MVC areas. Each area would represent a bounded context. Therefore the team developing bounded context 1 would also develop Area 1. Is it normal to do this:
1) Team 1 develop Area 1, which references the main MVC5 app
2) Team 2 develop Area 2, which references the main MVC5 app
3) Team 3 develop Area 3, which references the main MVC5 app
Is it normal to map Areas to Bounded Contexts like this? If the answer is no, then how do you break down the User Interface layer (MVC) so that multiple teams can work on it?