I understand that DDD is a design concept and implementation through ORMs are tricky but help me understand how would you solve this problem?
So here is my confusion on changing on aggregates only though aggregate roots. Given my case(rehashed through JIRA
case). I feel this aggregate and DDD feels good about how we modify this and simplifies logic.
But my question is performance. Just to add a comment to a sub-task we are loading en entire aggregate root into memory. How can this be efficient?
So we have for example An aggregate root Epics
which contains Story
and that contains sub-tasks
Lets assume For 1 Epic
there could be about 1000 Stories
and for each of the Stories
there could be 10000 sub-tasks
Now if i want to add a comment
to a sub-task
or add a comment
to story
I need to do this
Put Request
Implement EpicModificationController
EpicModificationService epicModificationService;
EpicID epicId = new EpicID(long)
StoryId storyId = new StoryID(long)
SubtaskId subtaskId = new SubtaskID(long)
Comment comment = new Comment("comment text")
epicModificationService.addSubtaskComment(epicID, storyId, subtaskId, comment)
Epic epic = epicRepository.findOne(epicId);
epic.addSubtaskComment(storyId, subtaskId, comment);
Domain Entity
class Epic {
addSubtaskComment(StoryId, SubtaskId, Comment) {
Story story = this.getStory(StoryId);
Subtask subtask = story.getSubtask(subtaskId)
I can directly go fetch my subtask
through DAO and update it?
Sounds to be more performant?
I am not there at the level of CQRS
yet as I am yet to understand nuances in DDD
There are reasons why my domain model in correct in way because some actions on Stories
cannot be done when Epics
are in some state. E.g) you cannot edit a story
(add subtask
, change 'status' etc , comments
are ok) when an Epic
in closed
. [again Epic/story e.g is just a representation of my real case]