The answer to your question from the title depends on the definition of "software architecture". One popular definition is: the design decisions which are costly to change at a later point time (at least not without a complete rewrite). So choosing a framework like DRF is an architectural decision.
However, from your question text, I guess you have a much narrower idea of "architecture" in mind, like which layers your program should have, which responsibilities those layers should have, and maybe which technologies are available for each layer. That is the part of a system's architecture for which Robert Harvers answer applies. Here it depends heavily on the specific framework how much freedom it gives you in defining your own layers, and how much it predefines for you.
If it is good or bad to rely on such predefined layer decisions depends mainly on the amount of evolvability you will need for your system. If you expect future requirements which may easily hit the architectural limits of the framework, then the choice was probably a poor one. If you think such requirements are unlikely to arrive over the lifetime of your program, then the choice is fine.
Often, this leads to a dilemma: one picks an "rapid-application-development" framework "to get things done as quickly as possible" (since time-to-market is more important than anything else at the beginning). Later, new requirements show up and cannot be easily integrated into the system because of the framework's limitations. Then it is probably a good idea to throw away the initial version, pick a less limited framework, which may (or may not) include a different programming language, and reimplement the system again from scratch. But when you are in such a situation, better do not to wait too long, otherwise a rewrite becomes too costly and you will be stuck on the initial architecture.