In both the Strategy Pattern and in Inversion of Control you can exchange parts of an object that allows scalability and easy-to-exchange parts. I am referring to this and this

Both use an interface and call the function of the interface. Am I missing something?

  • 2
    An Interface is really its own "pattern." Strategy and IoC both use the "interface pattern." But that doesn't make them the same pattern. Commented Dec 23, 2019 at 21:59

1 Answer 1

  • Inversion of Control is a means of constructing objects at initialization time. You design each component of your application to use dependencies, but have something outside the component supply all the requirements.
  • Strategy Pattern is a means of abstracting away different algorithms, but still consume them in a consistent manner. There is nothing in a strategy pattern that concerns itself with object construction or selecting the algorithm.

In a manner of speaking, you could argue that Inversion of Control is a specialized application of the Strategy Pattern for object construction. The Strategy Pattern is a bit more inclusive than that, but the benefit is that you can write your control logic once and have very different behavior based on the implementation of the selected algorithm.

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