I have read multiple times through the UML specification in search of this specific semantics and while it technically can be derived by combining at least 3 if not more sections it is super unclear in the specification itself. Yet, the notation I provide below is expected to be understood in a way I describe it as a part of the official UML certification path by OMG so I would treat that as a confirmation that such understanding is the intention of UML specification creators.
The association between a Use Case and an Actor indicates only, that the Actor is somehow involved in the Use Case. It does not clarify, who is initiator. So based on your diagram both Actors: Staff
and Customer
have to be involved in the realisation of the Use Case Registration
. It is not clear, which one initiates it and which is involved in other way.
Here starts the part that I base on exams rather than specification (i.e. you can interpret specification this way but I would never guess it if I weren't told so while preparing for the exam, this notation is also indicated during the exam itself).
You can specify who initiates Use case by using the navigability of the association between the Use Case and Actor. If the Actor initiates the Use Case, you can indicate it by making the association navigable for the Actor (i.e. draw the association as an arrow with an open head on the side of the Use Case). If on the other hand the Actor is involved in the Use Case but doesn't initiate it, the association needs to be navigable for the Use Case, so the arrow should be in the opposite direction, with open head on the side of an Actor.
I want to be very clear - this semantics is not explained directly, you need to read between lines of few section so I can't imagine anyone reading UML specification only would guess that. Yet, you can see this notation used in the exam as if it is clearly understandable from the specification.
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