Great question!
In terms of world wide web development, what if you asked the following, also.
"If bad user input is supplied to a controller from a user interface, should the controller update the View in a kind of cyclic loop, forcing commands and input data to be accurate before processing them? How? How does the view get updated under normal conditions? Is a view tightly coupled to a model? Is user input validation core business logic of the model, or is it preliminary to it and thus should occur inside the controller (because user input data is part of the request)?
(In effect, can, and should, one delay instantiating a model until good input is acquired?)
My opinion is that models should manage a pure and pristine circumstance (as much as possible), unencumbered by basic HTTP request input validation that should occur before model instantiation (and definitely before the model gets input data). Since managing state data (persistent, or otherwise) and API relationships is the world of the model, let basic HTTP request input validation occur in the controller.
1) Validate your route (parsed from the URL), as the controller and method must exist before anything else can go forward. This should definitely happen in the front-controller realm (Router class), before getting to the true controller. Duh. :-)
2) A model may have many sources of input data: an HTTP request, a database, a file, an API, and yes, a network. If you are going to place all of your input validation into the model, then you consider HTTP request input validation part of the business requirements for the program. Case closed.
3) Yet, it is myopic to go through the expense of instantiating lots of objects if the HTTP request input is no good! You can know if ** HTTP request input** is good (that came in with the request) by validating it before instantiating the model and all its complexities (yes, perhaps even more validators for API and DB input/output data).
Test the following:
a) The HTTP request method (GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE ...)
b) Minimum HTML controls (do you have enough?).
c) Maximum HTML controls (do you have too many?).
d) Correct HTML controls (do you have the right ones?).
e) Input encoding (typically, is the encoding UTF-8?).
f) Max input size (is any of the input wildly out of bounds?).
Remember, you may get strings and files, so waiting for the model to instantiate could get very expensive as requests hit your server.
What I have described here hits at the intent of the request coming in through the controller. Omitting the verification of intent leaves your application more vulnerable. Intent can only be good (playing by your fundamental rules) or bad (going outside your fundamental rules).
Intent for an HTTP request is an all or nothing proposition. Everything passes, or the request is invalid. No need to send anything to the model.
This basic level of HTTP request intent has nothing to do with regular user input errors and validation. In my applications, an HTTP request must be valid in the five ways above for me to honor it. In a defense-in-depth way of speaking, you never get to user input validation on the server-side if any these five things fail.
Yes, this means even file input must conform to your front-end attempts to verify and tell the user the max file size accepted. Only HTML? No JavaScript? Fine, but the user must be informed of the consequences of uploading files that are too big (chiefly, that they will lose all form data and be kicked out of the system).
4) Does this mean that HTTP request input data is not part of the business logic of the application? No, it just means computers are finite devices and resources must be used wisely. It makes sense to stop malicious activity sooner, not later. You pay more in compute resources for waiting to stop it later.
5) If the HTTP request input is bad, the entire request is bad. That is how I look at it. The definition of good HTTP request input is derived from the business requirements of the model, but there must be some point of resource demarcation. How long will you let a bad request live before killing it and saying, "Oh, hey, never mind. Bad request."
The judgement is not simply that the user has made a reasonable input mistake, but that an HTTP request is so out-of-bounds that it must be declared malicious and stopped immediately.
6) So, for my money, the HTTP request (METHOD, URL/route, and data) is either ALL good, or NOTHING else can proceed. A robust model already has validation tasks to concern itself with, but a good resource shepherd says "My way, or the high way. Come correct, or do not come at all."
It is your program, though. "There is more than one way to do it." Some ways cost more in time and money than others. Validating HTTP request data later (in the model) should cost more over the lifetime of an application (especially if scaling up or out).
If your validators are modular, validating basic *HTTP request input** in the controller should not be a problem. Just use a strategized Validator class, where validators are sometimes composed of specialized validators, too (e-mail, phone, form token, captcha, ...).
Some see this as completely wrong headed, but HTTP was in its infancy when the Gang of Four wrote Design Patterns: Elements of Re-usable Object-Oriented Software.
Now, as it pertains to normal user input validation (after the HTTP request has been deemed valid), it is updating the view when the user messes up that you need to think about! This kind of user input validation should occur in the model.
You have no guarantee of JavaScript on the front-end. This means you have no way to guarantee asynchronous updating of your application's UI with error statuses. True progressive enhancement would cover the synchronous use case, too.
Accounting for the synchronous use case is an art that is being lost more and more because some people do not want to go through the time, and hassle, of tracking the state of all their UI tricks (show/hide controls, disable/enable controls, error indications, error messages) on the back-end (usually by tracking state in arrays).
Update: In the diagram, I say that the View
should reference the Model
. No. You should pass data to the View
from the Model
to preserve loose coupling.