Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Encapsulation are the three most distinct, important features of OOP, and from them, inheritance has a high usage statistics these days. I'm learning JavaScript, and here, they all say that it has prototypal inheritance, and people everywhere say that it's something far different from classical inheritance.
However, I can't understand what's their difference from the point of practical usage? In other words, when you define a base class (prototype) and then derive some subclasses from it, you both have access to functionalites of your base class, and you can augment functions on the derived classes. If we consider what I said to be the intended result of inheritance, then why should we care if we're using prototypal or classic version?
To clear myself more, I see no difference in the usefulness and usage patterns of prototypal and classic inheritance. This results in me having no interest to learn why they are different, as they both result in the same thing, OOAD. How practically (not theoretically) prototypal inheritance is different from classical inheritance?